We are excited to announce that registration for the 50th Annual Southern California Botanists Symposium is now open! The topic is “50 Years of Milestones: A Look into the Past, Present, and Future of California Botany” Registration information can be found on the symposium page.
SCB 2024 Poster Session
Abstract Deadline for Poster Submission
If you are interested in sharing your research, or know of students who would like to share with a friendly, enthusiastic crowd we’re putting out a call for poster abstracts! Abstracts are due September 30, 2024 and must be submitted electronically to posters (at) socalbot.org. Please include all authors, author affiliations, and poster title in the body of the email. Limit abstracts to 250 words, and please indicate if the poster presenter is a student. Submitters will be notified by October 2, 2024 if their poster has been accepted. Please do not submit abstracts for posters that have been previously displayed at a SCB symposium. A free 1-year SCB membership will be awarded to the student with the best poster. Additionally, student poster presentations qualify for free symposium registration!
T-shirt design contest (closed)
SCB Members-
The 2024 Southern California Botanists symposium will be our organization’s 50th symposium. The title of our symposium will be “50 Years of Milestones in Botany: The Past, Present, and Future of California Botany”. For this special occasion, we’re holding another t-shirt design contest and you’re invited to participate. This is your chance to highlight the past, present, and future of California botany. The winning design will be showcased on t-shirts for sale at the symposium. Here are the details:
1) one entry per person;
2) an original color line drawing only – no AI images;
3) include the symposium’s title in the design;
4) submit as .jpg or .pdf format;
5) filename “Designer first name_last name_date”;
6) deadline for submittals is August 1, 2024; and
6) send submittals to Allison.rudalevige@psomas.com.
Contest winner will receive a free t-shirt with their design.